Thursday, 9 October 2014

Mini Reviews: Shatter Me + Unravel Me

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Shatter Me
Written by Tahereh Mafi
Pages: 340
Published by Harper Collins, October 2nd 2012
Formal read: Ebook

Unravel Me
Written by Tahereh Mafi
Pages: 416
Published by Harper Collins, February 5th 2013
Formal read: Ebook

Shatter Me

I really enjoyed this book, It is a fast easy read with a very interesting writing style. Tahereh Mafi has an interesting creative writing style that uses lots of metaphors, and I mean lots of them. The writing was my favorite part of this book. The book its self isn't anything great, the kinda magical powers concept is cool but the book focuses on romance more than the awesome dystopian world and the magic like "powers" some people have. Over all I was a little let down by this book but it was still a fun interesting read. So if your looking for some cute romance and a quick easy to read book I would recommend this.

 3.5 out of 5

Unravel Me

This book was enjoyable, I didn't love it but it was okay. I found it really hard to read and get into, I had to take a break and read another book about half way though because it was just such a task to read. The only thing that kept me reading was the need to know what happens. I'm glad I did finish it though because the second half was much easier to read than the first half. I think I might of not been in the right mood when I picked it up and the pause in the middle helped put me in the mood for it. Over all it diffidently wasn't as good as the first book in the series but it was readable and I enjoyed it. I will continue the series but its no longer a priority. I was really hoping to love this series like everybody else seems to but its only okay in my books. If you liked damaged female mains, romance. love triangles and dystopians I would recommend this series.

3 out of 5

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